Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Passbook in iOS 6

The passes implementation in iOS 6 is the hottest technology coming out from Apple right now, and it’s groundbreaking for more reasons than one might imagine.
Passes are the result of some awesome fusion. Four separate technologies all combine together to deliver a completely new experience to iPhone users:
  1. The new iOS framework PassKit
  2. The new Passbook app bundled with iOS
  3. Apple’s push notification service (this time delivery is guaranteed)
  4. Your own server code!
Passes are very different from any other Apple technology you’ve used before. What makes them unique is that passes are a concept wrapped around a file format. It’s up to you to create a pass file, deliver and present it to the user in any way you like. And the choice of technology and programming language to do that is also up to you!
It hardly needs to be said that with this setup, you have much more control over how you implement things than you normally do with Apple technology.
Since Apple does not handle the mechanisms behind passes, you need to employ a bunch of different technologies to make them work. In this tutorial, you’ll use Objective-C and iOS; use JSON; send multi-part emails with attachments; use OpenSSL to digitally sign files; and more.
The tutorial is divided into two parts:
  1. First, you’ll learn how to create a pass by hand. You’ll start with an empty file and finish with a completely styled and digitally-signed pass.
  2. In the second part, you’ll develop a small iOS app in order to preview passes in the iPhone Simulator or on your device. You’ll also learn about different kinds of passes, thus becoming a Pass Pro.
The trip through this chapter will be wild, but also very rewarding – by the end of it, you’ll have mastered the very latest in Apple technology!

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